Most people can't quit. Are you one of them?

Smoking may be the reason for your anxiety and panic attacks... what are you doing about it?
See how we use it (0:29s)

If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it...

So why not ease anxiety the
way that helped thousands of

With something that is...


Endorsed by professionals

Reduces the urge to smoke

Gives scientifically proven results

Stylish and wearable

Inspired by science

Meet the Eden

Meet the Eden

The Eden replaces you bad habits, to help you..

Eliminate cravings

Ease anxiety

Form new habits

All without vapes or cigarettes

Backed by 50+ studies and hard science

Inspired and backed by the science and medical studies.

Inspired and backed by the science and medical studies.

The Eden was inspired by the medical studies, which discuss the natural ways to stimulate your 'parasympathetic nervous system' to mimic vaping and smoking.

Stress relief. Backed by science.

“Smoking cessation reduces risk for many adverse health effects.”

“Stopping vaping helps your gums and overall oral health begin to heal and rejuvenate.”


“The Eden not only focuses your attention on the urge to smoke, but dramatically decreases any anxiety present.”

Stress relief. Backed by science.

“The cause of our modern-day smoking fixation is anxiety.”

“Smoking cessation reduces risk for many adverse health effects.”

“Stopping vaping helps your gums and overall oral health begin to heal and rejuvenate.”

“Proper breathing brings better health.”

This is how you use the Eden to curb the desire of smoking.

Create your Bliss today

You have questions. Let's answer them.

Why do I even need a tool?

Most quitting aids replace one bad habit with another. Eden is not only a stunning jewelry piece, it's also the start of your journey to quitting.

How is this different from a straw?

The Eden is crafted with the perfect diameter to perfectly mimic the size and air resistance of a vape or cigarette. Using a straw in public may be your thing but it sure isn't ours!

How long does it take to work?

Within seconds, the Eden activates your "rest and digest" nervous system to calm your physiology. This results in many users reporting quitting their bad habits within days or weeks.