Bliss Blog

What Is An Anxiety Necklace?

by Natalie M on Apr 14, 2023

What Is An Anxiety Necklace?

Scientists say "stress makes you dumber."

In ancient times, stress was survival. Want to get eaten by a saber-toothed tiger? Nope. Better run.

But in modern times... 

We feel stress chronically.

Day in, day out, while eating, working, before sleeping, even while trying to relax.

Think about yourself.

Does your job create regular stress?

Does the schoolwork pile up constantly?

Do you worry about your kids at school?

If you answered yes to any of those, you may find anxiety necklaces to be useful.

Anxiety necklaces are a unique piece of jewelry designed to help you deal with all sorts of challenging scenarios like stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and being overwhelmed. and simultaneously also make you look fashionable and stylish.

If you think a stress-relieving companion like an anxiety necklace could benefit your life, read on to find out what it does and how to use it!

What Is An Anxiety Relief Necklace?

Anxiety necklaces, also called anxiety relief necklaces or stress relief necklaces, are beautiful necklaces with a hollow pendant on the end specially designed to calm the nervous system when exhaled through.

People like to use anxiety necklaces by wearing them in their day to day life as a fashion statement and using them when something triggers a panic attack, or simply creates worry or anxiety.

When you exhale into a pendant, the specifically designed to slow the amount of air that passes through, immediately calming your nervous system when it is out of balance. Focusing on the breathing rebalances your nervous system and makes you feel calm and collected once more.

However, you don't have to be in the middle of a panic attack to draw great benefits from an anxiety necklace, or even need to be stressed. Many people use Anxiety necklaces simply as a reminder to touch during the day to remind them to ground themselves and connect to the present moment.

Our Recommendation For Best Anxiety Necklace

As health fanatics and masters of mindfulness, we've tested all the anxiety necklaces out there on the market.

The Eden Anxiety Necklace is the classic and original mindful breathing necklace created by Bliss and has met and exceeded all our standards.

It was designed by a skilled team to perfectly mimic the breathing patterns of ancient healing modalities through breathing, which are perfectly tuned for calming the nervous system. All other breathing necklaces on the market follow this classic long, slender and well-polished style.

Many breathing necklaces out there are of risky quality, whereas the Eden is crafted with medical-grade 316 stainless steel. This form of stainless steel is strong, waterproof and resistant to rust or corrosion.

The Eden has four color options; gold, silver, rose gold, and black. It is whisper-quiet when used, less than a few grams in weight, the pendant height is around 2in, and the necklace length is 24in, perfect for any body size.

If you want the highest quality anxiety breathing necklace, this is what you should go for. Not only is there a full money-back guarantee, but there is completely free 3-day shipping in the USA and an amazing support team.

How To Use A Mindful Breathing Necklace

how to use an anxiety necklace

Anxiety necklaces are extremely easy to use for a first-time user, even for people with no experience with breathwork or meditation.

Firstly, remember to use the pendant only for the exhale, not for the inhale. Take a big, deep breath without the pendant. Then, put the pendant to your mouth, with your lips touching the lower end. 

Now, slowly exhale into the mouthpiece. Try not to blow, like a whistle. Instead simply let your breath come out like you would normally. There should be a very faint low whisper sound of the air leaving. If the sound is very loud, or if it sounds like a high-pitched whistle, you are likely breathing out too quickly or too forefully.

Exhale fully until your lungs are fully empty as you would in a natural breath. You can then repeat the process until your anxiety has calmed to your desire.

Keep breathing in, and out slowly until you find yourself calm and focused once again. 

Based on studies, even just five minutes of deep breathing has been proven to slow your heartbeat and calm your nervous system!

Science-Backed Breathing Techniques To Use With Your Anxiety Necklace

Here are two commonly used techniques to bring your mind and body into a state of calm and relaxation.

  1. Box breathing. Box breathing follows the 4-4-4-4 pattern. Because it's so easy to remember, it's a great one for beginners. To do box breathing, simply breathe in for 4 seconds, hold the air in your lungs for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, then hold the air out of your lungs for 4 seconds. This technique has been shown to reduce stress effectively and is used by Navy SEALS.
  2. 4-7-8 breathing. This technique is slightly more complex, but even better. To do this, breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds. Making the exhale longer than the inhale activates the parasympathetic nervous system and calms the body and mind.

Final Thoughts On Anxiety Necklaces

Anxiety necklaces are an amazing tool to use in day to day life, and while they may not solve every worry and stress in your life, it will help a ton when you need it most. 

Especially if you've tried to establish a practice of meditation and haven't found it convenient with your schedule or personality, an anxiety necklace is an amazing way to become more mindful and calm.

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