Dangerous Chemicals In Vapes

Dangerous Chemicals In Vapes

Due to a combination of marketing ploys, as well as widespread misinformation due to being unaware of certain facts, many people are still of the opinion that vaping can be considered a safe alternative to smoking.

This is simply not true, as the EVALI epidemic from a couple of years ago has shown us. EVALI is a condition which is caused uniquely by vaping, as the name of the condition itself denotes (EVALI stands for e-cigarette and vape associated lung injury).

In this article, however, we will mainly focus on the dangerous chemicals in vapes and the effects which they may have on our bodies. First, however, let’s take a look at how vapes work.

How Vapes Work

Vaping devices differ in certain ways from one another, depending on their make and model, but generally possess the same main components and way of using them.

So, in order to understand how vapes work, we also need to understand the main components of a vape. Let’s start off with that, before moving on to explain how they work.

The first main component we’ll now talk about is the fluid container. This is where the vape liquid, also known as e-juice, is stored. There are three different types of fluid containers: replaceable, refillable, and single-use.

A replaceable fluid container can be replaced with another one after it is empty of e-juice. A refillable one, on the other hand, can be refilled with e-juice and used again upon depletion. Lastly, the single-use fluid container is meant to only be used once and then the entire vape device is meant to be discarded. The single-use container is present only in cheap vape devices that are made to be single-use.

The next component is the heating element. This heating element is the central part of the vape device, as without it, the device would be unusable.

Next, we have the LED light. This light is used to display to the user when the vape device is being used properly by lighting up, or when the device is being recharged in the case of some vape devices with rechargeable batteries.

A pressure sensor is also present, usually on the mouthpiece, in order to signal to the device when to activate.

Finally, the fifth main component is the battery. Batteries in vape devices are of three different types: rechargeable, replaceable, and single use. Rechargeable batteries can be recharged without them being taken out of the vaping device, replaceable batteries can be replaced with other batteries of the same type when they run out of power, and single use batteries are used in cheap vape devices which are meant to only be used until either the battery or the vape juice runs out.

Now that we know the main components, it is much simpler to explain how vape devices actually work.

The user places their mouth on the mouthpiece and inhales through it, triggering the pressure sensor of the device. The sensor activates the heating element, which heats up the e-juice from the fluid container and the LED lights up (if there is an LED), and aerosols are inhaled by the user.

Now, let’s talk about what exactly is contained in these aerosols, namely the dangerous chemicals in vapes.

Dangerous Chemicals In Vapes

First of all, let’s talk about heavy metals present in vape products’ emitted aerosols. Chromium and nickel were found in aerosol samples from vapes, which are toxic when ingested, possibly even more so when inhaled.

Formaldehyde is another substance that was identified as being present in a number of vaping products and vape juices. This substance is highly toxic, carcinogenic (which means it causes cancer), and as a result, highly dangerous for human consumption. It is used mainly as an embalming agent by funeral homes.

Microplastics are also very likely to be contained in the aerosols emitted by vapes, according to a recent Australian study done by medical professionals.

Some chemicals which are meant to kill, such as 2-chlorophenol, has been identified in up to 30 analyzed samples. This substance is most commonly used in disinfectants, as well as pesticides, and so inhaling it is not in the slightest to be considered safe.

In the case of vape products which do contain it, nicotine is another toxic, in addition to being a highly addictive, substance. Nicotine puts a lot of extra strain on the cardiovascular system, leading to an increased risk of stroke, heart attack and developing blood clots which may lead to amputations being necessary due to gangrene.

Yet another toxic substance we can look at, that is often present in vape products, is antifreeze. Yes, you read that right. The same substance that is present in your car’s coolant system is also often found in the e-liquid of vape products and e-cigarettes.

These are just some of the dangerous chemicals in vapes. There are many more to be listed, some more commonly found in vape products than others, but it would take much more than one article to list every single one of them.

In addition to the known toxic chemicals, certain unknown and not that well researched compounds have been discovered in e-juice by researchers. The fact that we don’t know much at all about these substances and chemicals, and yet we still inhale them when we use vapes, should be a cause for concern.

With all that being said, it is hopefully more than clear that vaping is not the safe alternative to smoking it’s been marketed as in the past.


Smoking is a dangerous vice, but so is vaping, despite many viewing it as a safer alternative to the former vice. In fact, vape products may sometimes contain chemicals that are just as if not more toxic than those found in regular cigarettes.

It is important to recognize the risks we subject ourselves to if we choose to vape, and make the decision to stop doing things that harm our health. Any vice can be replaced with a healthier alternative.

Thank you for reading. Until next time, please take care.

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