Best Vape Quitting Strategy

Best Vape Quitting Strategy

Vaping, the thing many consider to be a healthy alternative to smoking, is far from that. In fact, a lot of recent cases of lung injury have been linked to people using vaping products.

Not only is it not healthy, but it is actively harmful, and downright addictive in the cases where it contains nicotine.

I’ll first tell you a bit more about how exactly vaping is harmful, and then move on to show you the best vape quitting strategy that you can, and should, use in order to get a healthier lifestyle.

What Exactly Does Vaping Do To Your Body?

Vaping is unnatural, and the vapors and fumes it releases contain lots of harmful chemicals, some of which are also addictive, such as nicotine.

Let’s first address nicotine. Nicotine is derived from tobacco, and we all know that tobacco is far from healthy. As a result, nicotine isn’t healthy either.

Nicotine has been shown to negatively impact the health of the circulatory system, brain chemistry, the heart, and more.

In addition to that, there are plenty of chemicals with harmful potential present in vape products, for example antifreeze, propylene glycol and polyester compounds.

There’s also lots of as-of-yet unidentified chemicals present in vape fumes, and also ultrafine particles of material, which can be deeply inhaled and damage the lungs and airways.

Vaping has been linked to lung irritation and injury, blood flow problems, high blood pressure, and in some cases, even cancers.

This seems like it should be enough motivation to stay away from it, but understandably, it’s a bit hard to do when one is addicted.

No worries, though, since I’ll now show you the best vape quitting strategy that one can find.

The Bliss Eden, The Best Vape Quitting Strategy Available

The Bliss Eden is a product specifically designed to help its users combat their vaping vice in a healthy, natural, and fully safe way. It does that by combining multiple tried and true methods that would normally have to be done separately, into one method, making it incredibly easy and convenient to use anytime, anyplace.

The Bliss Eden is a pendant-shaped, small tool, made from medical-grade 316 stainless steel, and free of any harmful material in its composition. It has a mouthpiece, and is custom-machined to allow deep, relaxed breathing through it, making it easy for even beginners in deep breathing techniques to do so.

It comes with a beautiful chain, so you can wear it around your neck, and have it available at all times, easily within your reach. Its shape and size allows it to be discreet, and it’s also near-silent, so it can be used anywhere without sparking curiosity from other people.

The quitting methods that it combines are habit replacement, deep breathing techniques and mindfulness practice.

For habit replacement, it replaces the item (in this case, the vape pen) that is the focus of the addiction in 3 main habits, namely in the object holding habit, the hand-to-mouth habit, and the inhaling habit.

The object holding habit is the habit of holding your vape device, and the Bliss Eden replaces the vape device with itself, allowing you to maintain the habit that brings you calm, while letting go of the harmful product.

The hand-to-mouth habit is similar, as it refers to the habit of bringing the vape pen up to your mouth. In this context, the vape pen is replaced by the Bliss Eden.

Lastly, the inhaling habit refers to inhaling from your vape pen, and the Bliss Eden replaces the vape pen in this habit as well.

The Bliss Eden, through this, effectively removes the presence of the vape product from your life by taking its place, while still allowing you to perform the habits you’ve gotten used to, except with no harm involved.

As for the deep breathing exercises, the Bliss Eden is carefully machined to allow for drawing deep, slow and relaxing breaths through its mouthpiece, mimicking the feel of vaping, as well as allowing for deep, meditative breathing while even on-the-go.

It’s crafted in such a way that allows even beginners in deep breathing exercises to easily perform perfectly in these.

As a positive side-effect, practicing mindfulness and deep breathing with the Bliss Eden will also remove your stress and anxiety, allowing you to ground yourself in the moment.

It comes with a cleaning cloth and brush, stickers, and a chakra bracelet for you to be able to get properly started on your spiritual journey. You also get to choose from four colors: gold, silver, rose gold and matte black. This means you can pair it with your OOTD - whether that be a dress, a suit, business casual, leisurewear, or sportswear.

There’s 3-day shipping across the USA, and a money-back guarantee should anything be dissatisfactory to you about the product’s performance. On top of that, the customer support is excellent.


Vaping is, despite what some may think, quite far from harmless. It can have serious negative consequences on your body’s health.

Being addicted to something with such a harmful potential is tough, but fortunately, thanks to wonderful solutions like the Bliss Eden, the path to a vaping-free lifestyle becomes much easier.

I wish you all the best in giving up this vice, and in pursuing a better, healthier version of yourselves.

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