Bliss Blog

Best Breathing Practices For Anxiety

by Natalie Miller on May 06, 2024

Best Breathing Practices For Anxiety

Did you know that, through breathing, you can overcome anxiety issues? You read that right. Our minds and bodies are complex, and there are a lot of ways in which we can use the tools provided to us by nature in order to help ourselves.

In this article, we’ll cover the two best breathing practices for anxiety. First, we’ll look at how anxiety works, and why it happens, in order to better understand the issue. We’ll also go over how anxiety can affect our health, both physically and mentally.

What Are The Causes Of Anxiety?

Anxiety can have a lot of causes, from very common ones to very rare, even outright unique, ones.

It really depends and varies on a case-by-case basis.

Instead of going over every single possible cause behind anxiety disorders, which would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, I’ll just briefly explain the three most common types of causes.

That should be enough to give you a better view at why anxiety disorders happen, without making it overly complicated.

The first most common type of cause for anxiety disorders are traumatic events. Trauma can cause anxiety disorders to develop. This trauma can come in many forms: a scary experience, the loss of a loved one, financial worries, etc.

Typically, when dealing with trauma-related anxiety disorders, the anxiety and panic attacks occur when being exposed to situations that remind the sufferer of the trauma.

This is not always the case, though, even when trauma is the cause behind the anxiety. Anxiety attacks can still occur randomly, for any reason, or even no reason or trigger at all. But triggering events related to the nature of the trauma are more likely to set off the anxiety.

The second most common type of cause for anxiety are genetics. Certain genes can make individuals having one or more of them more predisposed to developing anxiety issues at some point in their life than people without those genes.

Having these genes doesn’t mean you can’t get rid of the anxiety issues, nor does it guarantee you’ll get them in the first place. It just makes you have an increased likelihood of developing anxiety disorders.

The third most common type of cause is a chemical imbalance in the brain, which messes with the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. I’ll go over what those are a bit more in detail in the next section of the article, but in short, those are the systems associated with anxiety and anxiety relief, respectively.

In the last section, we’ll also examine how to use one of those systems to our advantage via the best breathing practices for anxiety.

How Does Anxiety Happen?

In order to properly understand how exactly anxiety happens, we need to understand the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems’ roles.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the fight or flight mode, the natural response our bodies and minds have, that gets automatically activated in dangerous situations.

The fight or flight mode fills our bodies with adrenaline and other substances, allowing us to function at a much higher capacity in terms of speed, strength, endurance and focus than normally.

This is very useful when facing actual danger, but in anxiety disorders, this response is often triggered during times when it is not needed at all.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for triggering the rest and digest response. You can think of that response as the antidote to the fight or flight response.

Normally, it should be triggered by the body naturally after the danger has passed, and it would subdue and get rid of the effects of the fight or flight mode.

In anxiety disorders, the parasympathetic nervous system may or may not also be affected, which can cause it to either have a delayed reaction, or no reaction at all.

This prolongs the length of time that an anxiety episode lasts for.

Health Problems That May Result From Untreated Anxiety

First, let’s look at the mental issues that can stem from untreated anxiety.

Major depressive disorder has been known to be caused as a result of untreated anxiety, in part due to the diminished quality of life resulting from constantly living with worries due to anxiety.

The combination of depression and anxiety diminishes quality of life even further, and thus it becomes a vicious cycle, pushing one deeper and deeper into negativity.

Physically, the constant stream of stress-related hormones resulting from untreated anxiety can cause serious ailments, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and gastrointestinal issues, among others.

Heart attacks have been known to sometimes happen as a direct result of powerful anxiety or panic attacks.

It is very important to address anxiety issues swiftly and efficiently, so as to avoid such serious complications from getting a chance at manifesting.

Luckily, we’ll now get right into how you can do that, by showing you the best breathing practices for anxiety.

Best Breathing Practices For Anxiety

#1 - Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises are a simple, yet highly effective, way to deal with anxiety.

The reason why they are so effective, is because they provide you with the ability to manually engage your parasympathetic nervous system, triggering your rest and digest response pretty much on command.

Being able to activate the rest and digest natural response at will, through breathing exercises, makes it very easy to stop anxiety attacks dead in their tracks.

Deep breathing exercises work in the following way:

  1. Breathing in deeply and slowly, through your belly, for a few seconds
  2. Holding the breath in for a few seconds
  3. Slowly and completely exhaling for a few seconds more
  4. Repeating the above 3 steps as much as needed

It is important to note not to go for more seconds than you are comfortable with!

The main downsides of this method are that it will attract attention if done in public, it may be difficult to do right the first few times, and it is difficult to do while on the move.

#2 - The Best Breathing Practice For Anxiety, The Bliss Eden

We’ll now focus on the proverbial cherry on top of this article: the best breathing practice for anxiety, the Bliss Eden.

The Bliss Eden, crafted from medical-grade 316 stainless steel, is free from harmful materials. It’s completely natural and safe to use.

Custom-machined to allow for deep, relaxing breathing through the mouthpiece and interior, it makes it much easier to do deep breathing exercises, even while on the move, something which is quite hard to do normally.

Thanks to being near-silent when used, and having the shape of a pendant, the Bliss Eden is completely discreet, and will not attract any sort of unwanted attention, even when using it in public.

All of this makes the Bliss Eden the best way to perform deep breathing exercises, as it makes them easier, while also removing the limitations doing them normally would have.

When ordering the Bliss Eden, you get to choose from the following colors for the pendant: gold, silver, rose gold, and matte black. The Bliss Eden  comes with a beautiful chain, for you to wear it around your neck, so that you can always have the Bliss Eden close and ready to use.

The Bliss Eden comes together with a cleaning cloth and brush, stickers, and a chakra bracelet to get you the proper start you need in your spiritual journey.

As a bonus, there is a money-back guarantee offered, in case you’re left unsatisfied, alongside excellent customer support and 3-day US-wide shipping.


Anxiety, if left untreated, can bring many problems into our lives.

Thankfully, the Bliss Eden is available, ready to help you overcome anxiety whenever it may show itself.

I wish you the best of luck in overcoming your anxiety issues, and achieving the calm and peaceful life you deserve.

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